CPD announces 2017 Employee of the Year

CPD is pleased to announce the 2017 Employee of the year…LaTeicia Pinder. This award recognizes an employee who goes above and beyond their duties and exemplifies the true meaning of a team player.
The 2017 selection committee consisted of last year’s EOY Maren Madden, Rebecca Sylvester and Dr. Elizabeth Chisholm. This year the selection committee planned another fantastic event. They set up a game of Family Feud (although as you know this “family” doesn’t feud). With Maren playing the part of host, Steve Harvey, we were divided into two families- the Cipes family and the Chisholm Family. Each contestant had the chance to guess what the 100 people surveyed had to say. Of course, each question and answer had something to do with teeth or fish! Some of the questions were… “Name something a vampire might ask a dentist to do to his fangs” and “Name something you get at the dentist that almost makes the trip worthwhile”– (who are the dentists who give candy?!- that was the #2 answer!).
For the final question all 17 team members were surveyed and the top answer appeared on the board. The answer was unanimous that the employee of the year should be LaTeicia Pinder. The selection committee chose LaTeicia because of her dedication and the commitment she has shown to CPD this past year. One of her greatest strengths is her ability to make personal connections with everyone: patients, families and coworkers. We all joke that she knows everyone! That’s really because she always finds a common bond that connects her to each person. Another thing we love is her sense of humor, and her contagious laugh. She is always willing to help when needed, and is always learning new skills. As the selection committee concluded “We feel that each team member brings something unique and special to our ‘family’. We are lucky to work with such an amazing group that cares so much about our patients and each other.”