Cipes Pediatric Dentistry Celebrates Dental Assistants Recognition Week 2015

Dental Assistants Recognition week is held the first full week in March every year. This is the week that dentists in the United States and Canada honor their dental assistants for the variety of duties that they perform. Dental assistants are a key part of the dental practice year-round, but they get a special week dedicated to them each year for all the great work they do! This year’s theme, “Dental Assisting: Embracing the Changes of the Profession,” acknowledges the growing importance of dentistry’s role in health care and the responsibilities of dental assistants.
The dental assistants at CPD are true professionals. Samira, Hipolita, Dawn and Jenn have all been certified by the Dental Assisting National Board (DANB). The DANB exam consists of 3 parts: Chairside Assisting, Radiation Health and Safety and Infection Control. Along with the initial certification there is a Continuing Dental Education requirement to maintain DANB certification status. By maintaining their certification our dental assistants demonstrate their commitment to lifelong learning and to staying current in their rapidly changing profession.
This week we took the opportunity to celebrate and thank four of the best…Samira, Hipolita, Dawn and Jenn. Everyone here tried to express just how much we appreciate them, from a surprise breakfast by the dental hygienists to a special luncheon on Tuesday. Our dental assistants are an integral part of our team working to help our patients feel comfortable and making sure they receive the best possible dental care. Words can’t express how much we appreciate them!