Even though August is half way done, it’s not too late to take the #SodaFreeAugust pledge!

Some interesting facts about soda

  • Soft drink consumption has more than doubled since the 1970’s. The average teenage boy drinks 2 12-ounce sodas a day, and girls drink 1.4 12-ounce sodas a day…that’s 700 cans and 500 cans a year respectively!
  • One bottle of soda (20 oz) has about 18 teaspoons of sugar
  • Drinking soda, juice and sport drinks frequently poses a risk for cavities due to their high sugar content and acidity.
  • When kids drink more sugary drinks, they tend to drink less milk.

Ideally, your child should drink milk 2 times a day with a meal, water in between meals, and juice, soda and sports drinks as a special treat.  Here are some tips to make it easier to accomplish

  • Provide milk at meal times
  • Skip the sugary drinks when shopping
  • Make water more interesting with infusions- lemon, mint, berries, cucumbers
  • Lead by example- sugary beverages are not good for anyone!

Learn more at Nemours Health and Prevention Services